Natt stood out among the crop of funk/metal bands at their heyday in the early 2000s. Apparently they have some other recordings floating around and some of their members played in other bands, but we don't know anything beyond that.

Hey, Angel (2001?)

  1. Drunk at the Wheel
  2. I Have a Concussion
  3. That Day
  4. Never Wanna Leave You
  5. Skin
  6. My Diseased Weasel
  7. 25 Minutes
  8. Crade of my Humanity
  9. The Funeral




Thanks to John Anderson for providing these.

  1. Hey, Angel
  2. Trapped in Paradise

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[past shows we've filmed]

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Featured Graveyard tracks

Featured songs from our Graveyard section (archives of recordings from defunct bands and musical projects we liked) from our Soundcloud page.