The site upgrade announced over the summer is a little behind schedule due to our jobs, school, and in some cases, lives taking up all of our free time. Fear not, it's on its way.In the meantime, we've reactivated the current site.


In the meantime we'll be posting some new album reviews shortly and more videos of old performances. The long-promised shot list is still being compiled, we've been pretty surprised and excited to find some of the stuff we taped and forgot about.

Find us on

FaceBook-Logo  youtubesquare

Shows we're filming

Nothing planned at the moment.

[past shows we've filmed]

Support Our Work

 We generally cover our own expenses to produce the work you see here. If you like what we do, we encourage you to make a donation.

Sweet Bread merch

Featured Graveyard tracks

Featured songs from our Graveyard section (archives of recordings from defunct bands and musical projects we liked) from our Soundcloud page.