We've finally finished the first half of the Circle Takes The Square video we shot back in 2014 at the legendary 924 Gilman. The set consisted of a complete playthrough of the 2011 Rites of Initiation EP (the first half of their 2012 full-length, Decompositions Vol. 1)
This turned out to be one of the more difficult jobs we've done. We had to re-edit it twice as we figured out the new three-camera workflow, and the process went pretty slowly aside from that due to the complexity of the music. But we're pretty happy with the results. Doing this one in black and white was half a stylistic decision, and half because we were using our old, crappy equipment which made color correction extremely challenging.
Much gratitude to band in-law and producer of the album these songs came from, Anthony Stubelek, for providing some board audio for our use.